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The Babysitter

This is a Super 8 Sound-on-film, splice-edited short dark comedy.  The film was originally shot with K-40 sound-film cartridges which came to about $50.00 for three mintues developed to a spool you could show with electric projectors.  For editing you were lucky if you had a hand crank dimly lit viewer.


Razor, glue and tape-splice edits had to be strategic and timed in-camera because the sound head and appeture gate were 18 frames apart. If you cut for picture, you lose almost a second of sound at the edit point. If you cut for sound you had almost one second of imagery.   It was a lame system, but it was the cheapest way to make a K-40 sync sound film!.


Crystal sync super 8 film cameras with remote recorded sound were way way out of our price range.  My Dad's unemployment check affored one bought maybe one "borrowed."  


 The Babysitter was a Super-8 sync-sound last hurrah!  Most kids submitted 16 mm silent films to some sort of playback.  we shot a nine minute dark comedy with dialogue! I submitted The Babysitter as my final film in the LACC Cinema program.


Dermott Downs, former child actor and television director of today, starred back then as Rufus, a hapless stoned babysitter who confuses Thanksgiving while babysitting for his neurotic but beloved Aunt Peg.


Stars Dermott Downs as Rufus.


Directed by Alex Downs

Produced by Tammy ann Casper

Executive Producer Susie Buchanan

Co-written by Alex Downs & Dermott Downs

From a story idea by cousin Sean Pollack



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